SCPG Products

An expert in Polymers.
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Welcome to SCPG, lets talk about polymers…

Listed below are a series of our most popular high density polyethylene waxes, valued for their high melt point & high hardness formulas commonly used by industry leaders we supply. Customization for unique applications is possible.  We have an on sight pilot reactor and corresponding lab facilities to help formulate waxes for your specific requirements.  
We also service customers that are interested in emulsion wax applications as well as being able to supply end users with emulsions with our recently added emulsion production capabilities.
“Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Proin eget tortor risus. Vestibulum ante ipsum
primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posue cubilia Curae”
Feel like your search for the right wax is like reading Latin…..we agree and understand.  We can help.  Please contact us for your wax needs, we are experts with over 200 years of experience on our staff.  

A Crash Course in Polymers

Our Polymers

SCPG 3507

In PVC processing, SCPG3507 can be used as a metal release agent and acts as fusion control for formulations in PVC processing. This product can also provide heat resistance in hot melt adhesives.

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SCPG 3516

High density oxidized polyethylene is used in coating industries, overprint varnish, polishes, and inks to improve surface properties including scuff and mar resistance. This product can also provide heat resistance in hot melt adhesives. In PVC processing, SCPG3516 can be used as a metal release agent and acts as fusion control for formulations. This product can also be used in aqueous emulsions & dispersions. 

Click here to download specs.

SCPG 3518

High density oxidized polyethylene is used in coating industries, overprint varnish, polishes, and inks to improve surface properties including scuff and mar resistance. This product can also provide heat resistance in hot melt adhesives. In PVC processing, SCPG3518 can be used as a metal release agent and acts as fusion control for formulations. This product can also be used in aqueous emulsions & dispersions. 

SCPG 3518 has the same FDA Indirect Food Additive Regulation approvals as SCPG 3516 but with better functionality for use in emulsions. Designed specifically for emulsion applications where FDA food contact approvals are required.

Click here to download specs.

SCPG 3525

High density oxidized polyethylene is used in coating industries, overprint varnish, polishes, and inks to improve surface properties including scuff and mar resistance. This product can also provide heat resistance in hot melt adhesives. In PVC processing, SCPG3525 can be used as a metal release agent and acts as fusion control for formulations. This product is good for aqueous emulsions & dispersions. 

Best product for emulsion applications. Provides small emulsion particle size of <0.1 microns with good filterability and transmittance.

 In textile applications SCPG 3525 will provide superior high speed fabric cutting and sewing characteristics compared with emulsions made using lower density, lower melt polyethylene.

Emulsions made using SCPG 3525 provide excellent metal to fiber lubricity when compared to emulsions made using lower molecular weight polyethylene.

 SCPG 3525 may also be used as a release agent in MIM (metal injection molding) applications.

Click here to download specs.

SCPG 3530

High density oxidized polyethylene is used in coating industries, overprint varnish, polishes, and inks to improve surface properties including scuff and mar resistance. This product can also provide heat resistance in hot melt adhesives. In PVC processing, SCPG3530 can be used as a metal release agent and acts as fusion control for formulations. This product can also be used in aqueous emulsions & dispersions. 

Click here to download specs.



(864) 308-2001



165 Zimmer Dr., Cowpens, South Carolina, 29330, United States